The Experience Lab was truly transformational! Not only was I impressed with the program content and design, I was also impressed with the level of respect from Joe’s past clients. The Veneto Collaboratory process elevated their businesses to new heights. The Lab gave us all ‘goosebump moments’ and emotionally connected us to experiences we won’t forget! We can’t wait to get started!

Shelley Zucht-ShorterVice President Destination Experience and ServicesTourism Calgary

Attending The Experience Lab was a game-changer for me. The workshop not only deepened my understanding of how to craft unforgettable experiences but also immersed me in a hands-on learning environment where I could witness the power of The Experience Design Studio™ methodology in action.

Tanya RaineyCommunity Development ManagerSonoma County Tourism

The Lab is an opportunity to see destination development in action – such a wonderful experience from start to finish. Inspiring in a way that is so motivating.

Chloe IrishDirector of Destination ExperienceDestination Cleveland

The Experience Lab is a MUST for our Industry! You arrive not knowing what to expect, then leave with your way of thinking about destination experiences completely rearranged.

Olivia SmithManager, Destination ServicesVisit Lauderdale

The Lab is a transformative experience! Being guided and inspired by Joe felt like being taken on a journey; the details and touch points from Joe and his wonderful team created a truly memorable experience.

Gareth RobertsDestination DevelopmentTourism Richmond, BC

The Experience Lab was informative, inspirational, and motivational from start to finish. I have so many new ideas I can’t wait to implement; this experience was eye-opening and perspective changing!

Sabrina BeardMarketing SpecialistDiscover Flagstaff

I am so impressed with Joe’s Design Studio process to engage DMOs, to immerse them with the experiences from the Lab, and then, show them how to translate the leanings to their destinations!

Nancy BowmanVice President of BrandingVisit High Point

Getting out of the office and immersing yourself in top-notch experiences developed by Joe and his team is one of the best ways to ignite the ‘what’s next’ possibilities for your destination.

Amanda EckelbargerDirector of Strategic InitiativesElkhart County CVB

Joe and the Experience Lab helped me think outside of the box and evaluate experiences in my town. This is an invaluable experience that every DMO should take advantage of!

Abby DavidsonPartnership ManagerVisit Fort Collins

If you are feeling the urgency and importance of destination development but don’t know where to start – start at The Experience Lab!

Rachel CreerPartner Resources ManagerUtah Office of Tourism

Joe’s enthusiasm is infectious, and his experience is irrefutable. If you are interested in creating new tourism experiences or elevating existing ones, attend the Veneto Collaboratory Experience Lab.

Teresa CaldwellState CoordinatorTexas Historical Commission

If improving existing destination Experiences or developing new ones is a priority, then, The Experience Lab is an investment that moves the needle.

Darien SchaeferPresident & CEOVisit Pensacola

Joe knows. His attention to detail – he’s ability to listen and then deliver – is what makes his experiences transformational. He picks the right stories to tell and then tells those stories the right way.

Sid Williams-HeathExecutive DirectorPensacola Little Theater, Pensacola Cultural Center

The Experience Lab was by far one of the most inspirational and influential times I have had while traveling. Being able to be immersed in the true culture and history of a destination opened my eyes to the incredible possibilities.

Kasey PooleyCommunications SpecialistSimpleview

Best Lab I’ve ever participated in!

Robert Overton, Jr.Executive DirectorUWF Historic Trust