Veneto Co-Labs
Veneto Co-Labs are a group of unique events designed for discovery, development and training through intensive collaboration. Each Lab is an opportunity to develop new strategies and skills that translate into new business opportunities for participants.
When two or more people, organizations or groups come together in co-creation, a synergy results in outcomes that are greater than the sum of the parts.
Every Co-Lab is an immersive experience organized around a unique subject area. Co-Labs combine innovative thinking, hands-on learning and mobile workshops to create an unforgettable experience that enables participants to convert learnings into actionable strategies.
The Experience Lab

The 2025 Experience Lab will take place November 10-12, 2025 in Augusta, Georgia.
Experiences are the currency of savvy 21st century travelers. To be successful, Destinations, Economic Development Agencies, Lodging Companies, Travel Attractions, Cultural Organizations, Restaurants, Sports Venues and Retail Stores must engineer unforgettable customer experiences. The results will convert customers to brand ambassadors.
The Experience Lab is an intensive, three-day collaborative workshop for Destination Marketing Executives, Economic Development Agencies, Travel Suppliers and Tourism Organizations to learn the process of creating unforgettable travel experiences.
The Lab includes presentations on The Experience Design Studio™ process along with a series of mobile workshops. Participants are immersed in experiences that have been designed, crafted, scripted and staged using The Experience Design Studio™ methodology.

- Destination Marketing Organization Executives (Convention and Visitor Bureaus, Economic Development Agencies, Main Street Associations).
- Travel Suppliers (attractions, museums, historic sites, culinary venues, breweries/wineries, sport facilities, retail shops, etc.).

- Discover The Experience Design Studio™ process along with strategies, tools and skills to create unforgettable experiences for visitors.
- Experience unique product offerings first-hand via a series of mobile workshops.
- Go behind the scenes with DMOs and Travel Suppliers to learn how they engineered new experiences.
- Uncover the elements of The Experience Design Studio™ process including: design, story development, scripting and staging.
- Collaborate with Industry colleagues from throughout North America.
- Transfer the acquired strategies, tools and skills to your organization / destination to transform your tourism landscape, innovate your visitor offerings and create new revenue streams.

- Presentations and learning sessions on The Experience Design Studio™ process.
- Panel discussions by Destinations and Travel Supplier Attractions.
- Six mobile workshop experiences.
- Five meals: two breakfasts, two lunches, one dinner.
- All mobile workshop transportation.
- Networking and learning to apply to your destination or organization.
- Lodging is additional; special rates available. (See below.)
2025 Experience Lab - November 10-12, 2025 - Augusta, Georgia
Lab Schedule*
Day 1: Monday, November 10, 2025
- 9:00 a.m. – Lab kick-off and Welcome Destination Augusta
- Session: Engineering Unforgettable Destination Experiences
- Lunch at the Hotel
- 1:30 p.m. – Augusta:
- City Highlights Tour, Bike Bike Baby
- Augusta Museum of History, The James Brown Collection
- 4:30 p.m. – Augusta & Co — Destination Augusta Experience Center
- All Equal Parts, Bartender for a Day
- Dinner: Augusta & Co Experience Center
Day 2: Tuesday, November 11, 2025
- 7:30 a.m. – Breakfast at the Hotel
- 8:30 a.m. – Augusta Arts Council, Promenade and Paint Experience
- 10:00 a.m. – Morris Museum of Art, Mystery at the Morris
- 11:30 a.m. – Session: The Art of Designing and Developing Unforgettable Experiences
- 1:00 p.m. – Lunch at the Hotel
- 2:00 p.m. – Panel Discussions: The Experience Design Studio™
- Destination Augusta — Engineering Experiences
- Augusta Tourism Partners — Nuts and Bolts of the
Experience Design Studio™ Process
- 4:00 p.m. – Lucy Craft Laney Museum — The Men on the Bag
- Evening – Free night in Augusta
Day 3: Wednesday, November 12, 2025
- 7:00 a.m. – Breakfast at the Hotel
- 8:30 a.m. – Phinizy Nature Park — Citizen Scientist
- 10:30 a.m. – Augusta Canal — Cotton to Cloth
- Noon – Session: Implementing Experiential Development
- 2:00 p.m. – Lab wraps
*Dates and Experiences subject to change.