Transforming Hilton Head’s Attractions Landscape
Project Category: Experiential Development
Client Name: Hilton Head Island-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce, South Carolina
Year: 2016
Project Website: https://www.hiltonheadisland.org/
Business Challenges
Veneto Collaboratory was engaged to create a more robust attractions landscape by devloping engaging and immersive experiences that connect visitors to the historic, cultural and lifestyle assets on Hilton Head Island.
Veneto Collaboratory partnered with Hilton Head attractions to design, craft, script and stage unique experiences. The Hilton Head Chamber also promoted the new experiences to extend visitor stay, increase spending and create repeat visits. Special emphasis included developing Gullah experiences to connect visitors to the history and heritage of the island’s descendants.
Veneto Collaboratory created Signature Experiences, a collection of nine unique cultural, historic, culinary and lifestyle experiences. Veneto also developed two new Gullah heritage experiences at the Gullah Museum in historic Mitchelville, SC. The experiences provided the Hilton Head-Bluffton Chamber of Commerce with new opportunities to drive visitation in the Meetings, Group Travel, Destination Wedding and Reunion markets.