Creating a Destination Development Plan to Grow the Tourism Landscape in South County, Fairfax, County, Virginia
Project Category: Assessments
Client Name: Visit Fairfax
Year: 2019-2020
Project Website: https://www.fxva.com
Business Challenges
Visit Fairfax and the South County Tourism Task Force requested a comprehensive destination development plan for South County to develop the region’s tourism assets, grow visitation and drive economic development.
Veneto Collaboratory conducted a comprehensive Destination Development Assessment of the South County region. The Assessment evaluated visitor assets, market segments, product and experience offerings, needed infrastructure and current marketing. In addition, a digital audit of Visit Fairfax and the South County region was also conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of on line marketing and promotion.
Veneto Collaboratory presented a Destination Development report to Visit Fairfax and the South County Tourism Taskforce. The report outlined a strategic roadmap of recommendations to grow the tourism economy. The report focused on needed infrastructure, new products and experiences, developing themed consumer packages along with enhancing the region’s digital footprint. In addition, suggestions were made regarding regional branding, marketing strategies and innovative partnerships to create a sustainable tourism landscape.